Wednesday, April 15, 2009

It's done!

I have been eagerly awaiting this day from the moment we moved in! It's done! Isn't it beautiful. By the way the part on the second level will be my garden, so it is bare for now, but as soon as winter really moves out, we will have beautiful vegetables too!
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Saturday, April 11, 2009

Day Four

What a wonderful thing to have grass in the backyard! They were hoping to finish up but needed to get another load of rock that couldn't be delivered until Monday. They were a little short on sod as well, but as far as we can tell they should be done on Monday. Yeah! We made a slight error and failed to get the conduit across the back yard before the sprinkler pipe. Oops! Oh well. If anyone wants to make clay pottery, we have plenty of of clay in our back yard. I am glad I didn't have to dig that trench! We did get a trencher to trench all but two places right by the sprinkler pipe. I am sure someday down the road we will be grateful that we did it though!
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Day Three

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We have trees! It is really starting to come together now. They brought in the sod prep as well. We do not have the best smelling yard right now. Yuck!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Day Two

They got quite a bit of the rock and mulch in. I planted a couple of small $10 Costco apple trees that you can't quite even see in pic 3. Someday they will be great. When all is said and done we will have over 50 ton of rock in our yard!
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Day One

On the first day it didn't look much different, but they got the sprinkler system in and some of the edging.
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This is what our backyard looked like when we first came to look at it.
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